World Mental Health Day

Oct 7, 2022

Mental health is such an important aspect especially in todays society. MRO works hard to help people feel empowered, fulfilled and supported in their everyday life.

With the World’s Mental Health day just around the corner (10th October 2022) we have come up with a few tips on how we can all take care of ourselves.

  • Exercise – According to research it increases endorphins, dopamine, adrenaline and endocannabinoid in the brain which are the chemicals associated with happiness and lower stress levels.
  • Meditate – As a beginner it may be difficult to calm your mind and stop the noise but with practice it will get easier and become second nature. Allowing yourself to step back from the stressors of life can be great for perspective.
  • Breathing Exercises – Find a particular breathing exercise that you find relaxing (you may have to try a few) and implement it in any times of stress, anger or anxiety, it helps to reduce agitation and anxiety by increasing the oxygen into your blood flow and lowering your blood pressure. Personally, I have found that the best one for me is: breathing in through the nose for 4 seconds, holding it for 4 seconds and breathing out from your mouth for 6 seconds – repeat for as long as necessary.
  • Talk to someone – Doesn’t even have to be about what is causing you issues in your life, just having a friendly conversation, company and, obviously, a cuppa can be great for your mental health.
  • Arts and Crafts – Keeping your hands and mind busy on a task is an excellent way to de-stress. Our team at MRO love to spin, knit, weave, bead, make jewellery etc and gain a sense of pride and achievement when they see their finished product.
  • Help others – not only do others gain from this but you can also feel good about giving that time/experience/advice etc to others who need it.
  • Sleep – Try and get a full nights rest to help you feel energised throughout the day.
  • Eat Healthy – Fuelling yourself with nutrient rich foods has a positive impact on your physical and mental health but, of course, who doesn’t love a cheeky take-away every now and then. (Everything in moderation)
  • Music – Everything from listening, dancing and singing, music is a great way to make yourself feel good.
  • Reading – Finding yourself a good book to curl up with is a fantastic way to delve into another world or read up on what interests you.
  • Writing and drawing – Sometimes we find it hard to express how we feel, which makes writing and drawing a great way to get your thoughts and emotions out on paper. These can then be shared, kept private or destroyed, whatever you feel comfortable with.
  • Doing something you love – When you are busy it is so easy to forget to take ‘me-time’ to do something you enjoy, but this is so imported. It helps you to feel happy and more fulfilled in life.

Not all of the above will resonate with you personally and that is totally okay. We all have different methods to calm our minds but please remember to take care of yourself and speak out if needed. As the old saying goes ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’.

If you wish to read up more on World Mental Health day click here for the official website.

Just as a wee reminder – The Bow Café (The Square, 61-63 High Street, Elgin) is holding a drop-in café on Monday the 10th October between 10am-2pm for anyone who wants to pop in for a chat or just for some company.